‘Abhaya & The Steam Injuns’ formed on January 2, 2003 consists of 5 members: Abhaya Subba as the vocalist and founder of the band, Rajiv Rinchen Palzar as lead, Shailendra Singh on the keys, Tsewang NT Hyolmo as the bassist and NabinT Magar as drummer. Initially the band members were involved in playing live gigs in hotels and lounger bars. It was essentially an acoustic blues band before it kicked off as a rock outfit.

The very tiny steam engines that chug around the hills of Darjeeling that motivated Abhaya to name the band ‘Steam Injuns’. The band since then has been promoting rock music adding a new twist in the taste of music of Nepal. Their creations have always rocked among youngsters nationwide and thrilled the audience every time they perform in stages and concerts.

Likewise, in this video, we can see them performing beautiful folk mashup of the song ‘Naina Taal’ and other beautiful songs. Being as a rock band, they are also committed to folk songs of Neapal. Enjoy the video!