It has been nearly two decades since Rappaz union (Sammy Samrat and Nirnaya Da’ NSK) released the very first Nepalese Rap Album in English. Rap culture  in Nepal is said to be started in the 90’s by Girish Khatiwada, also known as the person to have introduced hip hop in Nepal, and  Pranil L Timalsina. In 2002 Girish and Pranil together launched thier album Back AgainThe song ma esto chu ma usto chu from the album is considered to be the first rap song to have attracted a wide group of Nepalese to rap and hip hop.

Consequently in 2003 a new musical genre called Nephop (as Nepali Hip Hop) was started by Aroz and DJ AJ which provided a platform for young, talented and enthusiastic rappers to showcase their talents. Nepalese Rap and Hip hop today are about 20 years old.

Here is a rap session Wonder Gods featuring the Underdogs, a hiphop band started in 2012 comprising of Uniq Poet, Little Grizzle, Symfamous and Menac. Enjoy..


Music By: Rohit Shakya

Lyrics: The Underdogs