Sunil Dev Panta is the vocalist/ bassist as well as the founder member of the metal band UGRAKARMA. UGRAKARMA is among the pioneer Death Metal band from Nepal, founded in 1999 in Kathmandu. They have been able to influence countless bands in Nepal and have achieved a cult status throughout the South Asian region. They started playing live in 2000 demo “The Himalayan Metal of Death” and single “Chandaal Shaitaan” Music Isles compilation album,(2000), album “Blood Metal Initiation”,(2001). The band reformed in 2012. They have released single “Disorder Lust (Dang Dung)” Ghalazat MXIII compilation album in 2013 and 7″ Vinyl EP “Mountain Grinders” in 2015.

In a section called “Musician’s Pit” by Live and Loud Inc Sunil Dev Panta, shares about his music connection to his listeners, about the lyrics he writes about the factual matters such as mountaineers dying on mountains, the Hindu religion’s mass animal sacrifices rituals, celebration of death. Have a look….