Obviously, we must say that all human beings are a music lover. Music is parts of our life. There are so many musical instruments are used to make melodies in music. Among them guitar is one of the best musical instruments ever. They play during their spare time and enjoy. Other is professionals. Professionals work with an instrument. They spend most of their time creating music.

Likewise, making cover songs has multiply liked a fashion in Nepalese youngsters. Cover songs have developed as a tool to express their talents. Best Covers are the ones that have originality, richness of music and their own style of mending the song while extreme and unsuitable improvisation that disturb the theme of the song are considered unpleasant and are largely criticized.

Here is an awesome guitar cover of the song “Reapers” by Anil Rai, originally by Muse. Anil is a lead guitarist of AstrA band, formed on 2072. Basically, this band’s genre is pop, rock, folk rock, funk, rock, yet they feel to explore various genres as the melody and vibe carry. Now, this band coming soon of launching their First Debut EP even they are busy on it. Enjoy this video…!!!!!