Orianthi Panagris (born 22 January 1985) is one of the finest female guitarists of the world who plays guitar fiercely as said by the legendary guitarist Steve Vai. Orianthi is well known as the lead guitarist for Michael Jackson. It was an unbelievable moment for Orianthi when she got a call for an audition to Michael Jackson This is it concert.

She stated: I don’t know exactly why he picked me, but he watched my YouTube videos and loved them. He had his choice of guitar players, but I came in and played the ‘Beat It’ solo for him. Afterward, he was so happy he got up and grabbed my arm and started walking up and down the stage area with me. He said, ‘Can you play once for me?’ and hired me that night. I wish he was still around. He made me believe in myself more, and I learned so much. Going into it, I thought it would be all about playing guitar solos. But the majority of it was playing chords and funky rhythms.

In this video, we can see Orianthi featuring Steve Vai in her song Highly Strung. This instrumental song is all about chatting with each other through the guitar. It is more like a Question and Answer. A number of gigantic Amps behind them simply replicates the title Highly Strung. We can see Steve Vai giving all the answers to the Questions of Orianthi easily and with his eye-catching performance.Enjoy the video Highly Strung by Orianthi Panagris ft. Steve Vai. . . . .