The four participants left on the platform of season 3 of the singing reality show “Nepal Idol” performed on Friday.
The series of the performances begun with the song “Aaja Bholi Harek Sanjh” of the Legend, Narayan Gopal performed by Prabin Bedwal. Bedwal excels in the songs of the genre modern semi-classical. For the same reason, he sang this song with a lot of improvisation which was loved by the judges and gave “Respect” moment.
After Bedwal, another powerful contestant Kiran K Bhujel put forward his performance of the song “Damphu Bazarma” by Prayas Rasaili. The contestant received well from the judges as well.
Last episode’s “Uplifting Performer of the Day” Sajja Chaulagain rocked the stage of the show with the song “Ma Sansar Jitne” by Sabin Rai. Her performance was awarded the ‘Respect’ moment of the show.
Finally, Kevin Glan Tamang performed the song “Yo Jindagani” by the legendary band Nepathya. He also got the “Respect” moment from the judges for his improvisations and the beautiful presentation of the song.
The awards “Uplifting Performance of The Day” and “Glamour Moment of The Day” went to Sajja Chaulagain and Kevin Glan Tamang. Likewise, “Performance of the Week” went to Prabin Bedwal.