Picture Credit: LOD

A massive wave of anticipation sweeping across the crowd, people standing up, raising their arms, and screaming, everyone clamoring for that first view of the band walking onstage and of course the awesome music! These sort of things blended together formed one of the best rock concerts one would ever attend in the country. Nostalgic rock fans from Kathmandu swarmed to LOD, Thamel for the return of 90’s rock legends 1974 AD in the city during the first concert of their reunion tour. The venue was almost full with people from almost all age group showing up in the event.

Image may contain: 1 person, crowd and night
Picture Credit: LOD

Ticket Price spiraled into thousand rupees, but the gig goers got what they paid for  . The concert event that was scheduled to start 8:00 PM sharp on 21st of September started half hours late, Nepali time as we all know, kicking off with “Timilai Piratile” which made the crowd go wild form the very beginning.  Although rocking hit makers are notorious for keeping fans waiting, the bumper three-hour Reunion show warranted no further time wasting and delays other than that. 

The band performed many of their old hits including songs from their latest albums- Hazar Sapana. The best part of the concert was when Adrian began singing the all time favorite SambodhanAll of the audiences pulled out their phone with their flashes on, waving their hands in harmony as the club lights went down. The environment was really blissful, something that definitely gave goosebumps to many. The band also released the music video of their new song form their new album which was related to the reunion. To wrap up, it was an epic night, a night to remember.

Here are the live videos that we broadcast-ed live via our official facebook page: