Bipul Chhetri is back again with his new song “Teesta” which rapidly has aired in the internet soon after its release. He has posted the song’s official lyrics in his own official youtube channel.

In the description box of the video, Bipul describes “For most of who have grown up on the hills that flank the river Teesta, she has been more than a collection of whirlpools and rapids. When friends and family who gathered to bid us farewell became tiny specks in the rear view mirror, the Teesta moved alongside all the way down to the plains. And when we returned, months or years later, she would be the first to welcome us home – gurgling, jumping and skipping like a young sibling who had missed us more than we missed her.

Sadly, unable to withstand the onslaught of progress of the recent years, the grand old lady isn’t what she used to be. More than half a dozen hydroelectric dams have reduced what was once a swift flowing Himalayan river into mere intervals of lifeless water bodies.”

Bipul has stated how the beauty of the mother nature has been disturbed now with the pace in the infrastructure of development. Yes, the motherly nature is suffering and she slightly has been losing its natural power and beauty.