‘Mundre Ko Comedy Club’ is a popular Nepali popular franchise comedy show that inaugurated since 5th November, 2018. Jeetu Nepal is the host of the show who is undoubtedly is known for his hilarious comic timings and display. He has a large fan-following wanting him to regularly feature on screen.

‘Mundre Ko Comedy Club’ has now become on of the most demanded and popular show among all Nepalese people. The show invites different prominent faces of Nepali movie industry, singers and other great personalities. Apart from this l the show also features some of the likes of prominent faces of the Nepali movie industry; Deepa Shree Niraula, Rajaram Poudel, Rajendra Nepali and Umesh Rai to name a few.

On May 6, Monday the show invited some exclusive guests Ashok Darji, AR Budathoki and Tanka Budathoki. They are the most trending sensations in the music world of Nepal. The show turned out to be really entertaining and hilarious.