Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson talked with Skavlan Show and uncovered his emotions when he got determined to have throat tumor. He said (transcriped by Blabbermouth):

“Your voice is a muscle, such as whatever else, and as long as you don’t mishandle it and you utilize it accurately, at that point it will last. I’m not a great believer that a voice is just about singing. A voice is a device for communication.

Furthermore, as a singer, all you are, truly, is a storyteller, and incidentally, clearly, with my voice I recount stories a specific way, however in the event that you’re Leonard Cohen, you have a different voice and you still tell great stories. When I got diagnosed with throat cancer three years back, the idea jumped out at me I might not be able to sing again.

Gratefully, that was not the situation. Be that as it may, I did consider it, and I thought, ‘You know what? Even if my voice changed totally, despite everything it doesn’t mean I can’t tell stories.’ Maybe I’d need to tell them a different way. Perhaps I couldn’t do them with Iron Maiden. In any case, despite everything it doesn’t stop you… If what you need to do is tell stories, at that point you figure out a way to do it.

Talking is fiasco for the voice. Since when you sing, all the muscles in the voice are utilized as a part of totally the contrary approach to when you talk. So I’m talking with you now and I’m using everything from here [points to his throat] down. All things considered, when I’m singing, I’m using everything from here up.

So all it is… Think of it like an organ pipe – essentially, loads of rest, sleep, a lot of water and keep it hydrated. Try not to go out yelling in pubs after the show.”