An autopsy revealed that Chester Bennington had alcohol in his system at the time of his death. The report, first published by TMZ, said that the singer was not under the influence of drugs at the time of his death.

Friends and bandmates review exuberant highs and ruinous lows of rock vocalist.

The Linkin Park frontman died of suicide by hanging this past July. The new report, which is distinguishable as a PDF, contains a segment by the cop who found the singer’s body. A dresser in the room contained a remedy for non specific Ambien with one pill broken in half; the segment that says who the solution was made out to pass out preceding production. The officer likewise composed that there was a glass of Corona not as much as half full, and additionally a vacant jug of Stella Artois. Additionally present was a diary with a life story that was manually written however not dated. There was no suicide note.

In the report, the coroner wrote, “autopsy findings are characteristic of suicidal hanging. There was a history of suicidal ideation.”

TMZ reports that Bennington’s wife, Talinda, had informed the experts of the singer’s past endeavor at death by suicide, incorporating one time in 2006 when he left the house with a gun after drinking heavily. Fingernails were found underneath his iPhone, and Talinda said this was a propensity he had when he was anxious. She said he was recently in an outpatient treatment program and that as far as anyone is concerned he hadn’t taken antidepressants in a year.

Prior this year, companions of Bennington revealed to Rolling Stone that the singer had been attempting to keep up his restraint over the previous year. A month before his death, he told his friend, guitarist Ryan Shuck, that he had been sober for just a half year. What’s more, when Shuck revealed to him that he too was struggling, Bennington sent him instant messages in help. “He was describing hour by-hour fight with addiction,” Shuck said. “When I take a look at it now, it’s horrifying. He was letting me know, down to the detail, what he would do in the first hour he wanted to drink: ‘I fundamentally simply take it hour-by-hour consistently.'”

At the time Shuck said he knew Bennington had been drinking at the time of his passing. “We don’t know how much [he drank], yet it doesn’t take much when you’re that exceptional a drunkard and an addict and you’re battling to the extent he depicted to me,” he said. “You needn’t bother with much to lose your mind for a minute.”