Guitarist David Smash—whose YouTube moniker is Dovydas—was playing out a solo gig at a brewery in Bradenton, Florida.

Other than the way that it was a moderate night (his group of onlookers comprised of five individuals, which happens to the best of us), everything was coming fine and dandy—until the point that someone threw him a curve ball and asked for a Steve Vai tune. The song being referred to is “Tender Surrender,” a track from 1995’s Alien Love Secrets.

We’ll give Smash a chance to take it from here: “I was doing my live looping improvisation show,” he says. “One woman was splitting jokes in between songs and after that she tossed out the most sudden demand I’ve ever gotten. I normally do exclude gathering of people collaborations in my recordings, however this was so uncommon and entertaining I simply needed to keep it in.”

Rather than surrendering, Smash mixed and truly thought it through; he looked for tabs on the web and played his own particular adaptation of the great Vai tune. You can watch it unfurl beneath; underneath that, you’ll locate a live execution of the melody by Vai (for a touch of setting). Enjoy!