Las Vegas, Oct 2 (Reuters) – A 64-year-old man armed with more than 10 rifles poured down gunfire on a Las Vegas country music festival on Sunday, slaughtering no less than 50 individuals in the biggest mass shooting in U.S. history before killing himself.

The blast from a 32nd-story window in the Mandalay Bay inn into a horde of 22,000 individuals kept going a few minutes, causing alarm. Some escaping fans stomped each different as police mixed to discover the shooter. More than 400 individuals were harmed.

Police distinguished the shooter as Stephen Paddock, who lived in a retirement group in Mesquite, Nevada, and said they had no feeling of what provoked his assault. The Islamic State militant group asserted obligation regarding the slaughter, however U.S. authorities communicated distrust of that claim.

A lady who was going to the show described the frightening moments when the gunfire broke out at a concert in Las Vegas. Here’s a video! Let’s pray for Las Vegas!