Cover songs are tunes of a craftsman shrouded by a person in his/her own particular style; making few components of the music and exhibiting it in our own way. It is fascinating to perceive how cover songs here and there acquire prevalence than the first ones. Covering songs and putting them online empowers individuals display their aptitudes and techniques to the world. Good covers make the tune all the more exuberant and pass them on to eras to come.

Covering tunes has nowadays turned into a fashion. Best Covers are the ones that have creativity, wealth of music and their own style of retouching the melody while extraordinary act of spontaneity that disturb the topic of the songs are viewed as distasteful and are to a great extent condemned.

Here delineated video is a beautifully composed cover video of a ‘Kanchi Hey Kanchi’ by Brijesh Shrestha and Nikhita Thapa. The song originally belongs to the Nepali movie ‘Kanchi’. This cover video is classically awesome and hilarious at the same time. Enjoy the video!