Bishal Pradhan widely known by his moniker “Foeseal” has recently released his third and last song “Fake Love” off his EP “Phases”.

Allover works in songs like mixing, mastering, lyrics, music, and even acting are done by Foeseal himself. Nisham Angbuhang acted beside him in the video which was Directed by Neesha Khaling and Produced by KPLR Studio.

Foeseal, is a multitalented package in himself. He actually started his journey back when he was 15 as a grindcore metal band member. Now he produces beats for widely recognized singers like swoopna Suman, Neetesh Jung Kunwar, Shushant KC, Prabesh Kumar Shrestha, Bekcha, and many others. He himself sings a song, writes, plays a few instruments, and owns a recording studio “Atfoess”. I was really serious when I said multitalented.

“Next To You” and “Forget No Regrets” are the other two songs from his EP “Phases” released a few months ago. Check it out below if you haven’t till now, beats are the dopest.

Listen to him talking about his allover journey in Storyteller and get to know him even more. Such a cool and talented persona.