What will be your reaction when the string breaks in the middle of the song while you are perfoming?
Will you leave the stage without finishing your song? Probably not I guess. Its all about presence of mind, how you react and perform. There will always be an chance of having technical difficulties while we hangout with our electronic assets.

String break,power cut,high voltage, mic fails are some of the examples of the technical difficulties. Likewise, we will be talking about the string break.When the string breaks in the middle of the song, people do consider about how they deal with that technical difficulties. In this video we can see the famous guitarists :- Slash,Eric Clapton, B.B King, James Hetfield dealing with the string break.

Of course they are the legend guitarist and they know every spot of the guitar. So this will not be an issue for them. They keep playing substituting the broken string with another. You can see how these legends deal with it. Check this out……………..