Evergreen singer of Nepal Rajesh Payal Rai has come up with a new song ” Hauwa Hau”. The song was uploaded on the official YouTube channel of Rajesh Payal Rai on Dec-2, 2020 March 6, 2022

The responsibility of lyrics was handled by Bikash Sangam Rai and, the composition of the song was done by Bikram Rai. Likewise, the song was arranged by Debesh Rai, mixed, and mastered by Kishor Thapa. The beautiful melody of Madal, Flute, and Guitar was added by Poshan Gharti Magar, Nagendra Rau, and Sanjeev Baraili respectively.

The song comes with a rather romantic music video featuring quite famous Actors, Wilson Bikram Rai and Rajani Gurung.


Rajesh Payal Rai is mostly recognized as Rai Is king among his fan. He is one of the strongly established icons of the Nepalese music industry.  At the age of 13, he was approved in the voice test as a singer by Radio Nepal and recorded “Failiyo Maya Dubo Sari” in 1992. Since then, he has done playback singing for more than one hundred Nepali movies, released almost 8 thousand songs in almost all genres, and has sung several songs in almost 20 languages like Japanese, Bhojpuri, etc.

He performed on a worldwide tour and won several music awards from 1995-to 2015. He also participated in Melancholy, an environmental song conceptualized, written, composed, and directed by Environmentalist Nipesh DHAKA and performed by 365 Nepali artists setting the Guinness World Records.

Darshan Namaste, Bhetai Ma Bhayo, Palkiyo Palkiyo, Sagar Sari Chokho Maya, Failiyo Maya Dubo Sari, Ma Ta Marchu Ki Kya Ho Thuli, Timi Jasti Subasili, are some of his loved songs among all.