On 20th January 2018, Underside Launched their new album ‘Satan In Your Stereo’.at Purple Haze. The album launch concert organized  at Purple Haze was full of audiences who enjoyed every single performance and also supported on the show. Kamero opened the event. A majestic, impressively decorated stage; those bright hypnotic lighting and above all some awesome music played by really talented musicians created a jolly atmosphere that everyone seemed to adore. 

Underside is one of the finest rock metal band of Nepal. They are New Age Metal band from the Third World Street of Kathmandu, Nepal formed in 2010 just after the end of Maoist insurgency. Known for their aggressive yet dark & melodic music, Underside Nepal is among the most successful metal bands of Nepal. 

After successfully launched their album at Kathmandu. They will be launching  their album in different cities of Nepal, like Pokhara and Chitwan. 

Nepali E-Chords managed to broadcast the show live via our official Facebook page. Here is the footage of the underside rocking the stage.